Job Security is being employable as much as being employed

Even in these recessionary times, there are people out there who are not in employment through choice. Think about adventurous souls who embark on around-the-world travels. Think about the mother who stays at home while her children are at a vulnerable stage, or those caring people who opt out of employment to care for a member of the family. Along with those that are out of employment through no choice of their own; these people still need job security, the hope that they have a good chance of returning to employment. Job security is all about staying employable. While you are away from the workforce; ensure that you maintain and improve on your skills and don"t get isolated. How do you stay employable? Stay in touch with your job industry or sector. There are many ways of doing this, but the easiest is to stay in contact with work colleagues and chat to them about the developments in the workplace, even though it may make you green with envy! Another tip is to read any web blogs, newspaper articles or professional magazines on your area of expertise. Keep up your skills. Look for any opportunity for lifelong learning. The local VEC and regional Institutes have a selection of modular and evening courses and classes which can help develop and improve your skills. Take responsibility for your own personal development; don"t refuse any relevant Fás courses that may be offered to you. Remember that outdated skills are obstacles to getting employment in the future. Become self-aware. Clearly identify your own strengths, your education, skills, experience and achievements so that you are able to identify any career opportunities as they arise. At GetTheJobYouWant we are expert at helping clients to identify their strengths so that we can create for them a positive and compelling CV. Don"t travel without a map. When we say don"t travel without a map, we want you to think about the fact that you will be returning cap in hand looking for a job at some stage. With that in mind you may be able to tailor your travels to include career-related research. So if you are a beauty therapist you may appreciate the luxurious resorts of Bali where you can bring back new techniques and ideas. If you are a teacher, it can be a great idea to enrol in a TEFL course beforehand so that you can teach the English language. If you work in a medical or social work area then choosing to include volunteer work with a NGO in a third world country for a time will be invaluable in your future career. Maintain and develop your network. Last week we wrote about the importance of networking. So when you are not working stay employable by developing new networks, if you are at home with the children make an effort to chat to the other parents at school pick-up time rather than staying in your car. Try to get involved in a club, find out about any opportunities in your neighbourhood so that you can develop more relationships and so enhance your network. Consider volunteering. Volunteering is a great way to become involved with others and make new friendships. Often voluntary organisations will sponsor very worthwhile study which can enhance your future career. A lot of voluntary organisations obtain funding for paid employees and if you are already working in some capacity then it stand to reason that you will be first for consideration.