Storm misery continues for MS sufferer
Éowyn, a name we won't forget in a hurry after the storm caused chaos, tearing shreds in our electricity network and bringing untold misery to countless households across the country.
For most, the misery was relatively short-lived. Yes it was tough but we got out the candles and torches and thanked our lucky stars if we still had an open fire to keep at least one room warm and we had our power back within a day or two, or three.
But for others, it didn't end after a couple of days and indeed it still hasn't ended for many families including Patsy and Elizabeth Fagan from Enfield, who struggled through until Monday in a cold, damp house. Far from ideal conditions, especially when Elizabeth suffers from MS and after their daughters saw the state they were in, they told them they couldn't stay any longer and booked them into a nearby hotel.
Patsy is a well-known musician in Enfield and was recently named MS Carer of the Year in recognition of his care and devotion to Elizabeth, his wife of 45 years. He has been Elizabeth's full time carer for 22 years.
Patsy told how they struggled on over the weekend but by Monday the house was so cold and damp they couldn't stay any longer. With Elizabeth's medical issues they had no choice but to move into the nearby Hamlet Court Hotel in Johnstownbridge.
Speaking today, Patsy said: "The wire that supplies our house is still down in the field. I've just been back to the house and we have no power at all now. At one stage we had low power back but it wasn't enough to turn on the boiler and it would come and go.
"Low power would be enough for the lights and to boil a kettle but not enough to run a motor. Our heating and our well both have motors and any electrician will tell you that it will burn out a motor if you use it on low power."
The latest estimated time for power to be restored is now Monday evening and Patsy said he can't bring Elizabeth home until they can heat the house.
"Two other neighbours have no power at all. We had Aisling Dempsey TD and Cllr Padraig Coffey on to them for us and I think that is how we got some low power supply but you would be better with no power than low power as will ruin motors if you run them on low power.
"We lost power on Thursday night and we stuck it out until Monday. It was very difficult. We had candles and a little torch and a fire in the sitting room but as soon as you went out of the room to the bathroom or anything it was like a fridge. The bed clothes were damp, and our own clothes were all damp. It was a nightmare.
"I had an old gas cooker in the shed and got by carrying pots and pans in and out to there, only for that I don't know what we would do.
"We couldn't flush the toilet. I was carrying buckets of water from a barrel to try to flush the toilets.
"Liz got a bad cold and still has a cough and she got two bad nosebleeds. She is still suffering with her chest."
Patsy recalled that on Friday just after the storm, there was an ESB crew out and he thought that was great that they would be soon hooked up again but it transpired that they were only there to make the break safe.
"Until that cable is back up, we won't have proper power and there are two other houses in the area without as well. My neighbour 300 yards away is connected again but the three houses are still without."
It has been a very tough time for the couple and just yesterday, Elizabeth got word that her sister had passed away. Devastating news that she should have been in the comfort of her own home when she received it, rather than in a hotel room.
However, Patsy can't praise John O'Neill and the Hamlet Court Hotel staff enough.
"Only for the Hamlet Court we would have been really stuck. They have been so good. They are very busy this weekend but were able to juggle things around so we can stay in the same accessible room for the weekend if we don't get to go home. They have been so kind. They also allowed local people who had no power come and use the showers. "
Though he did add that there is "no place like home" and is hoping full power will be restored sooner rather than later.
He is also hoping that they there will be some sort of a fund that they can be reimbursed their expenses given their circumstances. He pointed out that they are both pensioners and he is on half a carer's allowance so it is a big expense to stay in a hotel even though the hotel told them they would give then a reduced rate. He also said if there is such a fund, he hopes it won't too much hassle or too complicated to apply for.