Calls for reservoir to be built in south Meath

Residents in Enfield and surrounding areas area reporting regular disruption to water supply

Houses and businesses in Enfield, Longwood and Ballivor regularly find themselves without water for lengthy periods, causing hardship to young families and elderly residents.

“We'd be lucky if we could get through a month without the supply shutting off,” says Enfield resident, Anton McDonnell.

Mr McDonnell who lives in Delmere, Enfield said that just two weeks ago, they had no water supply for a day and this is something that happens regularly.

“It is becoming a lot more frequent in the last year or two.

“The system seems to be very sensitive and trips if there is even the slightest fault and then the pressure drops and we have no water.

“This is a nightmare for families with children, for vulnerable people and for businesses in the area.

“We need reservoirs to back up the supply if there is any problem,” he said.

Deputy Johnny Guirke said funding reservoirs in Enfield, Longwood and Ballivor should be made a priority for Irish Water.

“There is an urgency to build a reservoir in all three areas of Enfield. “Many residents must endure long periods of no water to their homes and businesses as the system that is currently in place is not adequate.

“For many years now, residents see their water supply trip, and with no back up system that a reservoir could provide, it causes long delays in the return of water supply.

“The locals are left to wait on the arrival of a council worker to turn the water supply back on. This has also had a big effect on local businesses who need water to run their shops, with hairdressers and coffee shops among others been disrupted.

“I have been in touch with Meath County Council water services and they have said that they had quotations sent in for the projects involved from contractors. Planning permissions are all in place and ready to go, all that they need is the funding to begin the work.

“The funding needed for these reservoirs is €1.5 million, or €500,000 each and the project will take up to six months to complete.

“These need to be delivered by 2021,” he said.

A spokesperson for Irish Water said the company had reviewed the portfolio of projects and programmes in its investment plan to ensure it can deliver these in the most efficient and cost-effective way.

“Irish Water will be undertaking a reprioritisation exercise over the coming months and should have a clearer picture of the Treated Water Storage Programme sites in the first quarter of the new year.

“The building, repair and upgrading of Irish Water’s water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, water and sewer network will require a multi-billion euro investment programme over many years.

“Irish Water is committed to providing a safe and reliable water supply, protecting the environment and supporting the growth of homes and businesses.

“We continuously review and update our portfolio of projects and assess based on the available funding. We will provide further information on this project when it becomes available.

“Irish Water is working at this time, with our local authority partners, contractors and others to safeguard the health and well-being of staff and the public and to ensure the continuity of drinking water and wastewater services,” she said.