Transform Fitness with David McCabe

VIDEO: Transform your Fitness with David McCabe - Week 2

It’s a lifestyle not a chore

I hope you enjoyed the first instalment of our Transformation Series last week. We looked at the importance of identifying the reason why you want to transform your exercise and eating habits. So, have you decided why you want to rejuvenate your lifestyle? This week I’m going to look at how you can fit your new health and fitness strategy into your timetable. Just remember you need to want to do this for you, not to please anyone else. Before you know it becoming fit and healthy will become part of your normal routine, not a time-consuming chore.

To increase your chances of success, and to make it quick and easy to adapt to your new routine, write down your typical weekly schedule. Using a colour-coded chart for this is helpful. Block out the times when you have fixed activities that cannot be re-scheduled, for instance times when you are in or travelling to or from work, when you have to collect the children from school or the crèche etc. Now identify time slots where you would be free to exercise. Maybe you could record your favourite TV show and watch it later? Are you a morning person? Or do you come alive when the sun goes down? Find three 40-60 minute time slots per week when you can overhaul your fitness regime. Believe it or not that’s only about 2% of your entire week. Shouldn’t you be able to spare that time to improve your health and fitness?

 If you plan to work out before or after work, prepare a bag with your toiletries, work clothes or gym clothes the night before. Taking ten minutes to get organised will save you a lot more time in the morning when you’re groggy and racing out the door.  

The key to making it easy is to do something you enjoy. It won’t feel like a chore if you look forward to going for a cycle, a jog with a friend or walking the dog. Some people prefer to exercise in a group. You might find it more fun, and easier to stay motivated, if you go to an exercise class or join a boot-camp with friends. Whichever type of exercise you choose, do something that makes you feel good. If music will help to get you in the mood, bring along an MP3 player packed with all your favourite tracks. You don’t need to spend hours every day; it will only take approximately 3 hours per week to transform your body into the one you’ve always dreamed of having. With some preparation and good organisation you can make it happen.

Next week I’ll help you to set your goals. In the mean time, choose the style of exercise that suits you, make time to schedule your exercise and transform your body!

Check out this week’s video #2 (below), and have a go at my recipe for oatmeal pancakes. You can see also see the before & after photos of this week’s Transformer of the Week, Robb Hirtes on , find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @TransformFitPT for more updates. Before making any changes to your diet, taking supplements or embarking on an exercise regime always consult your doctor.

“I can. I will. I did.” Unknown 

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