Keeping buildings secure

Whether you own a company, shop or business, it's always important to keep your premises secure. When the building is unattended, it can be a prime target for criminals, thieves and other unwanted attention.

This is especially true in large cities, such as Dublin, where this is a constant threat. To this end, if you own a company it's important to protect your premises. To this end, here are a few methods that might help. Whether it's protecting the outside or keeping the inside secure, there is a lot you can do to keep everything safe.

Roller shutters

These can be seen on various shops and businesses - and it's easy to see why. Roller Shutters Dublin provide you with an extra way to lock your shop. These shutters come down over windows and doors, ensuring an additional wall between the shop and those outside.

This is crucial for ground floor businesses with large windows. Glass can be fragile, so the shutters provide a layer of protection for the windows. Additionally, these shutters block any view into the shop which may prevent any would-be opportunists from getting a look into your empty store.

Automatic doors

Likewise, never underestimate the added security of an automated door. The simple logic behind this is that automated doors can't generally be opened manually. A typical door is not hard to unlock and any professional criminal can break a window to gain access from the outside. At the end of the day, a manual door is still only hinges and a simple lock and there are ways to get through these.

An automatic door, on the other hand, works completely differently. There are no handles and the mechanisms are not ones that can be easily forced. Since any intruder or thief doesn't have your card or code to unlock the doors, these automatic doors provide another method of ensuring no-one gains access to your valuable business without your permission.

Additional precautions

Of course, these are only two ways to protect your business but they are certainly highly practical options. If you want to be extra secure, there is plenty more you can do. Many companies don't leave cash in the tills over night and often lock away their most valuable stock at the end of each working day. This is purely a precaution and if someone does manage to get in they won't find anything that's expensive to replace.

Likewise, it also serves as a deterrent. If it's known that your business isn't in the habit of leaving money or valuable materials around then it is less likely that thieves will target it. Additionally, installing CCTV cameras will let criminals know that any illegal activities they engage in will be caught on camera - something which can act as a huge deterrent. Whilst these are typically used to catch shoplifters during trading hours, there is no reason why they can't be used to monitor activities after hours as well, making them a worthy investment.