Mrs Claus to bring Christmas bling to Athboy on Sunday

Athboy's very own 'Catch me if you Can' event takes place in the Farmers' Market on Sunday 15th December at 1pm, when Mrs Claus  makes a welcome return in her carriage drawn by the fittest reindeers in the parish, after some badly needed rest in her grande size bed surrounded by all the children for festive stories and games. 

Activities include the biggest fishing competition since the Salmon of Knowledge  in the newly constructed winter wonderland magic pond. Hundreds of prizes can be hooked. Carol singing  and  'Sunday Miscellany' style entertainment which will warm the cockles of your heart. This is a free day for everybody in the town and surrounding countryside so dont miss out on what promises to be the most magical bling Christmas event ever to be held in Meath. Bonnets will be the order of the day with prizes for the best dressed head.