Sean McCabe

New books from Sean McCabe

Navan native, New York-based writer and musician Sean McCabe has announced the publication of two new novels. 'The Pubs Of New York' is based around a true story, and tells the story of Dessy Whelan, former IRA warrior on the streets of Derry, and now a brickie on the building sites of New York, and his one time girlfriend, Molly Geraghty. Molly has fallen for another man, however - Frank Molone, who is an NYPD officer. Trouble occurs one night in The Nook bar in the Bronx, when both men show up to see their beloved Molly, who works there as a bartender. When the leader of the band on stage, one Frederick Lancaster, suddenly makes a remark over the microphone regarding the Irish Peace Process which is then in full swing, Dessy Whelan erupts in fury, and all hell breaks loose. His other new novel is called 'The Homecoming'. Jimme Devine returns home from Paris at the age of 25, having spent several years in the city of light playing music and hanging out in cafes. It is time to settle down and get a proper job, he realises, but the ghosts of his fabulous past haunt him and he constantly wishes to go back to Paris. His conflict is compounded by the arrival in his small midlands hometown of his former French girlfriend, who wishes for nothing more than to take Jimmy back to Paris. Problem is, Jimmy has just embarked on a new teaching career... Both of these novels are available at as paperbacks and as e-books. See