McIntyre's Cuckoo Connolly for Ramor

'Cuckoo Connolly’s Curious Clock Shop' by Padraic McIntyre stages at the Ramor Theatre on Sunday 20th December. Cuckoo Connolly owns the Curious Little Clock Shop at the bottom of Main Street, no one really comes in anymore but Cuckoo doesn’t mind. He spends his time caring for his 80 different clocks, one for each year of his life. Each clock is very special to him and when he works on them they transport him back in time to where the clocks came from. A story of an old and gentle man, who goes on amazing adventures unknown to the world outside. This is until something terrible happens in the town one Christmas Eve and Cuckoo has to use his time-travel to try and solve the mystery! Can Cuckoo Connolly do it in time?

Tickets are €8; show 3pm.

Booking 049 8547074 or